We Cannot Withhold Love

If I can think of one anthem that has rung through my head nearly every day of 2013 it would be this quote above. So when I returned from Guatemala with some very clear images and pictures of this in my mind and heart, I decided to put it to paper as a reminder.

Since returning from Guatemala again, I’ve been pondering a lot. The above statement came to me very clear one day as I looked at this picture Brad snapped of me while I was hugging this lady. And I remember her sobbing, and soaking my shirt for what seemed like forever. We had just built beds for her 3 kids, and she was scheduled to have some kind of stomach surgery the same week, and she was afraid and hurting. She thanked me over and over and I reminded her we were there because of Jesus, and as I told her that I loved her it hit me….she needed the love more than the beds or anything else.

What about all the chances we have each day, week, year…to forget about ourselves enough to really love someone. To stop playing the safety card long enough to hold someone who is hurting. To be willing to slow down and hug, and listen, or to just be available…for that person to know that God did this, and nothing in the world could stop His love. I don’t want to be the hands that stop His love to protect myself. I was given love that changed my life…and I WILL give it for others to experience what saved me.

And I have many more thoughts on this that have come up in the last month, but I’ll write that later! Let’s pray about this together, and not just think it, but live it!:)

Be a blessing,

Christy 💛


Guatemala Missions – November 2013

Over the week of Thanksgiving, we take a mission trip to the Guatemala City dump. This was our second year in a row taking this trip during Thanksgiving week, and we’ve decided it will continue until God says differently! I can’t even begin to convey to you the amazing moments we experienced this year, and the radical ways that God crushed our hearts and healed our own minds and misconceptions about what He wants from us. I left there, and remain a very thankful gal, recognizing Jesus more and more in every moment. Here are a few pictures and explanation of what God allowed us to do:

Several days we led a medical clinic, where we treated the people who live in the dump who have various diseases and sickness because of their living conditions. After being seen by our doctor, they come see us for prayer and ministry. We share the gospel of Jesus with them, and make sure they hear a clear presentation of truth and what Jesus came to do.

We raised enough money to buy and build about 20 bunk beds for children who were sleeping on the floor, or on pallets, often with 5 or 6 others. I didn’t realize the impact that this simple gift would have on these people, and it overwhelmed us at times, seeing children jump on their beds, and tears streaming down parents faces at the thought of their kids getting continuous restful nights.

Another project that we took part in was building stoves for people living in the dump. Again, we gathered funds and put our muscles to good use hauling cement blocks, sand, and equipment, and put together stoves that would allow them to have warm food and beverage for years to come. These aren’t even close to the stoves we have here, but they serve a great purpose for these people and their families. I have to give it to our guys, it’s a big job!

We served in an orphanage that stole my heart! We were blessed to spend a lot of time with them, and even paint a little house on their property. A little 3 month old baby named Amy grabbed me and made it very difficult to break away easily! And Michael was another little one that buddied up with Brad and that we don’t go a day without thinking of. As of right now, Guatemala is a closed country for adoption in the US since 2007. Were this not the case, 5 would have come home with us! We are praying about this law being done away with so that children don’t have to live as orphans when they are wanted and desired by loving families!


The lead pastor of our group has a little girl named Kinzie who was adopted from Guatemala just before the country closed in 2007! She’s a miracle! She decided to rally up her friends to make rainbow loom bracelets and send them for all the kids we met in Guatemala. It was so much fun giving them away and seeing the smiles on the kids faces, and knowing the little heart that put forth so much effort to see other kids happy! It was a real sweet part of our adventure!

One night we led a homeless service, where I sang in spanish, Brad and Kevin shared testimonies, and we fed them at the end. This was a highlight of the trip for sure. The majority were men, and they were so dirty, so hungry, and ultimately hopeless. Many are physically injured from getting hurt in the landfill, and many are addicted to sniffing glue and other solvents to numb their hunger pains. Brad and others washed their hands with buckets of water over a hole in the floor when they came in. We worshipped, the gospel was shared, and many ended up on their knees in the middle of the room, crying out to God. This night changed us all.

We were also blessed to lead a service at the local church that invites us in and serves with us each year. Pastor Saul and Layla are amazing servants of God and give of themselves day and night to minister to the people in the dump area of Guatemala. Their church is built right at the dump for that purpose, and their dedication motivates me! And on that note, in the picture below you will see them with us, in their home, after they surprised us with a Thanksgiving meal! This blessed us so deeply. Obviously, in Guatemala they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving or really even know much about it. But they knew that it was an important holiday for us, and that we weren’t home with our families to celebrate. They got online and found out what types of food we eat on Thanksgiving, and invited us to their home for one of the sweetest meals I’ve ever been a part of. Out of true love for us, they gave of themselves and went above and beyond to make us feel special and cared for on a day that most Americans take for granted anyway. Thanksgiving means much more to me after being in Guatemala for two in a row. I’m overwhelmed with thankfulness every single day!


On our last night, we do a feeding for the people in the dump, and they come up with containers of all sorts for us to put food and coffee in. At times we poured peoples coffee into little plastic bags. Food and coffee was put into old, dirty coke bottles, or old hand wipe containers that had the tops cut out….whatever they could find, they brought to be filled.

I’ll post a few more pictures below and just close with this…It is more blessed to give than to receive! This post could get very long if I shared all the deep things that God showed us on this mission trip. I look forward to kicking off 2014 sharing more about Guatemala with you, and what God is still doing and showing us. I’m so proud of our little home church and the family that God has placed us with! We are also so thankful for the support and love we receive from so many of you! Keep coming back to read more in the coming days!









Be blessed!
And Happy New Year!!!

Christy 🙂

Etsy Shop Updates! Go Christmas Shopping!

Just a quick post to encourage you to get on the Christmas shopping! Etsy is the easiest way to get unique or custom gifts for your friends and family…and you barely have to think it’s so easy!:))) I’m posting new things nearly every day, so keep shopping!:) Here’s a few things I’ve been working on:)









…..and I am super PUMPED about the deer heads I will be finishing up tomorrow to add!:) They are so fun! Oh and wooden necklaces will be up this week too!


Lots happening, so let’s do this:)

Happy day to ya!


“So Free” Single by Christy Beasley and Brad Beasley now on iTunes!

Ooooooh we are SOOOO excited!!! Our long awaited single “So Free” is now available for purchase in the iTunes Store!:) We hope you will hop over there and download it and share it with your friends and family!

This is a song that is very close to my heart, as it is our testimony in many ways of how God has set us free over and over, and how He continues to free us in every area of our lives. We are sooooo thankful for where is He brought us, and where He is taking us…for all the family He has placed in our lives to uphold, protect, love, support, and encourage us in ways we don’t deserve…our hearts are just so full.

Stay tuned this week as I keep the “So Free” theme going with new art to go along with the song as well! My Etsy Shop will be overflowing soon!!!:)

Below is just a “song story” I wrote as I finished writing So Free last year. Enjoy the read to get understanding of how God has used this song and why He gave it in the first place:)

So Free – The Song Story

I’m a girl who loves to have fun and adventure as much as anybody! I try to live my life full of joy, and I love to hear other people laugh and live in happiness too! I truly can’t stand for someone to be downhearted. And from the outside looking in, I’ve probably appeared care-free and soaring to many people. So, it may be surprising to some to hear the reason in God giving me this song called So Free.

Jesus stole my heart when I was 8 years old, and I’m thankful to say that I’ve always walked close to Him and relied on Him all throughout my life. It was a miracle in itself the way that Jesus spoke to me early in life, knowing things I would face and fears I would need help conquering. He committed to me to never leave me, and I knew I could trust Him, and that many times He would be the only one I could trust.

I did face things in my young life that were startling and painful, and I believe that people cope with things in many different ways. Some seem to run to trouble and rebellion, but quite honestly, I really never wanted to do anything wrong and was terrified of getting in trouble! I really loved Jesus sooo much that the thought of disappointing Him or anyone else put a fear in me that definitely kept me by the power of the Holy Spirit! But isn’t it funny how we can mess up even our own good attributes given by God? So in the process of learning early on that I had the ability to make good choices, and to be good, and sweet, and kind, I also learned how to make people happy. There’s obviously nothing wrong with being the kind of person that makes people happy, but my motive developed into one of denying the very nature that God had placed in me to some extent. I had desires and even knowledge placed in me by my Creator, but I would ignore them completely in order to keep peace with other people, and for them to be happy in their lives. Even in being an outgoing girl, I lost my voice in a sense by just letting someone else dictate direction and help me decide what I even liked. I’m not saying all this as if I had nothing to do with it and was under some kind of control, I kind of asked for it. I was more comfortable pleasing others than I was with making a decision that may not be accepted by some and maybe disappointing for others. Even in the little things. I was bound by a fear of failing people, and disappointing anyone. And again, this behavior wasn’t happening off in some sinful or worldly lifestyle. I was allowing this to happen in church, ministry, and every relationship I had. I worked as hard as I could, agreed to things that I really didn’t like, tried to behave in ways that weren’t me at all, and eventually found out…this is not me. This is not what I was created for! I was loved and created by God to be free to love and serve His people! And the difference is, love. Simply being taught that love is what drives us to anything truly good. When we are free to love and be loved, there is no amount of service that burns us out. Love released me to find my own sound, my own God-given nature and voice, and the freedom to not worry about the thoughts of others about me. And that’s where the line came, “you are a little bird, with a big, big sound…it may be soft and sweet, but what I say is loud…child don’t keep me quiet I made you free”. It was time for this little bird to fly free and fearless!

We can quickly find ourselves, even in ministry, doing things and working to extents that God never purposed us to do. Of course I believe that God uses every situation, and teaches us through so many different circumstances. But at some point we have to stop and evaluate…why am I doing what I am doing? Am I a slave to my own desire to see others happy? Am I a slave to the fear that looms over my thought process when I consider breaking free? Do I worry that if I really just let myself be who God made me to be, that those I seek to please will reject me? Am I so afraid of losing people, that I never truly experience the freedom that’s found in real love?

So Free was birthed out of a time where I knew no better way to describe what was happening to me! I felt like a child who was completely worn out and trampled, who lifted her arms as high as she could, and who Jesus Himself reached down and picked up as a father would in rescuing His daughter. And when He picked me up, I was taken way above all the bondage, disappointment of people, and the need to make everyone happy. My chains were broken off by my Father, and I knew I would never have to go back to them…EVER again!!! THAT was the most freeing thing in the whole world! To know I would never have to go back! I am safe. I am held. I am comforted. I am loved. I am SO FREE!!!


Full October Week: Worship, Radio, Woodworking, Art

The intensity of this week has been insane! All exciting stuff, but boy am I feeling it now! I pushed the limits this week/weekend singing Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday…and now I’m recovering on the couch with a blown voice…yikes! So thankful for this moment before the week kicks right back in high gear!


On Thursday night we were invited to share our song “So Free” at the Victory 91.5 Fall Concert, which turned into a great night of worship! There were about 10 other bands there and it was so great to spend time with other worship leaders and songwriters and praise Him together! We are looking forward to the release of “So Free” to iTunes any day now! It has been submitted and now we are just in the waiting process…always the hardest part right? In the meantime, if you would like to hear it you can listen right here on Sound Cloud!:)




I had a busy week also woodworking to prepare for selling at these events for our Guatemala Mission trip that is soon to be here! Thanksgiving week…..eeeek!:) I’ve been cutting out birds, mountains, trees, and now even little pieces like guitars for necklaces! Loving every minute of the woodworking biz! Next week I have a lot of work to do in my Etsy Shop, getting more things added and organzied…it’s gotta happen this week so keep checking!:)


We had a great time at our Home Church Friday night…love my folks so much! Then Saturday night I led worship and shared my testimony at a women’s night of worship, hosted by The Gathering church in Dawsonville, GA. God intervened in so many ways, helping my struggling voice, giving us a sweet time of worship. And then the small group of people there blessed us so much financially by giving toward our Guatemala trip, and purchasing art from me…and we have nearly met our goal! Praise The Lord! So thankful for giving hearts that give like that when you least expect it! Thank you Gathering church for your love and care for us and the mission God has called us to!

That’s all for now folks! Gonna eat some gluten free pizza and get ready for Monday!
Have a blessed week!

Christy ❤

Oh What a Blessing…Roof Roof!

This post is one of HUGE thankfulness…that words cannot describe…and that our hearts don’t even have enough emotions for.

We own a 1940’s home that actually belonged to Brad’s grandparents back in the day…very cool! His mom was raised here, and it’s on family land right next to his parents current home. We bought this house when we realized that God was calling into ministry, and we love the old cottage feel of it. But as you know, an old house comes with old stuff that needs repairing, and we recently ran up on a serious roof problem that was causing unspeakable moisture issues inside our living space. And then as you hear so often, this kind of thing never happens at a good time, right? But God understands time much better than we do, and money is of no hinderance to Him. In the last year God has really pressed hard on Brad and I about getting debt free so we can be even more free to do the things He is calling us to. So we are full force in the process, and have sold both our vehicles we were paying on, and bought older used cars that we saved up and were able to pay cash for. We definitely aren’t finished with the process, and have a little ways to go, but we are excited about our future. In saying all that, we’ve had to front up a lot of cash lately to pay for vehicles and mission trips, so though we are getting out of debt, it costs a little up front to do so. And then the roof issue hits…

…and unexpected action took place from people closest to our hearts.

We love our “Jesus family” so much…sooooo much. And I have no doubts about their love for us because they prove that daily…and that’s a whole other sermon for another day!;)

I could ramble on and make this story extremely long…but here’s the short version:

Our Jesus family, knowing us, loving us, and seeing into our situation that was hazardous to us, came together without us knowing, and pulled together their finances, arranged a work day, and flat out funded and installed a brand new tin roof for our home!
“Seriously?!”, we thought when we were floored as they told us the day and plan for this endeavor. I mean they had it all figured out! We felt so many emotions, and wondered, “How do we even respond to something like this???” Honestly, we struggled a good deal about accepting something that seemed so huge…but then God reminded us of His love…faithfulness…blessing…and that this is nothing more than His love in action, through people who deeply love us. This is “the church” living out Acts 2:44-47…summarized…they were united, they sold things, pulled together things, and gave it those who had need…with joy…praising God the whole time!

And as I’ve struggled with how to feel like my response to this is even enough, my deepest thoughts and feelings are this:
The fact that people would purchase a roof for us and undergo INTENSE labor to even put the thing on is just WILD to even fathom! Financially and physically, that just takes real GUTS folks. But where this has really hit home for me is rooted deep in love. God has been faithfully proving His love to us for a long time, but really specifically these last 2 years…and I feel like a whole ocean full has just been dumped on our lives! It touches some deep places in me that these people, that I love soooo much and that I’m so thankful for ANYWAY, would recognize our need, and believe in us, care so much for us, and LOVE us so much that they wanted to do this, and that it was a joy to them. When I look at these people, I see God’s church, fully equipped and doing exactly what the nature of the church is supposed to be about. Sharing the gospel, loving His sheep, and equipping and empowering them to grow and serve.

I’m a part of the best family in the whole entire world!!! I’m overcome with love for each of them, and soooooo thankful that this is who I get to live this life with. Not because they built us a roof, but because they love us like we have never been loved…and if I tried to express my love for them in writing it would look like a huge explosion:) I’m seriously busting with joy and love!
So, I’ll leave you with a few more pictures and let you get to the rest of your day:)

…and to my Jesus family reading this…you have our hearts. We love you so much, and there is not a sweeter bunch of folks that we could be blessed with, and we wouldn’t want to walk this earth with anyone else. So THANK YOU!!!!!

And thank you readers for rejoicing with us!

Christy ❤







(side note: I was saddened that last Saturday when they did this, I was away leading worship at a retreat and couldn’t be a part:( But God was so sweet to me, and at this retreat, this is the random journal that was waiting on a bed for me…straight from Jesus I’m certain…)

New Wooden Craft Art in my Shop for Guatemala Missions!

It has been a whirlwind around here lately! As we are closing in on the date for our Guatemala mission trip, along with many other worship services, we have really been kicked in high gear! I’m so thankful for the opportunities to serve Jesus, and that’s why I feel so strongly about helping that go forward with my artwork however I can. As you’ve heard me say, we really believe strongly that we are to be the church, wherever we go, we are His. It’s not a journey to take lightly or to mess around with, but to walk daily in that obedience to God.

Here’s some of my work that is currently for sale or for custom order! If you would like a custom painted bird, or painting of any kind, just let me know! I’m posting these to my Etsy Shop as quickly as I can!
These wooden birds are so special to me! I’ll be doing a special page devoted to my woodworking soon, but in short, I’ve been really blessed by some helpful people who I call family, who have lent me their tools to create things that have been on my heart for a long time. All these wooden pieces you see are hand created by me, from the design, to the cutting, sanding, and painting…and I’m having the time of my life with it! Right now I’m mostly using walnut and cherry woods…love it! As you can tell, I’m kind of in my happy place:)


I have always loved painting and creating fun art including birds, but it really stuck with me as I wrote a song called “So Free” that will be released as a single hopefully in October!:) The song is such a testimony of mine about freedom, being made free by Jesus and unleashed to do whatever it is He calls me to! The above picture is one of the lyrics from “So Free”.



I’m also making mountains…I LOOOOOOVE mountains:)




I have many more ideas up my sleeve for more woodworking fun! Please share my blog with friends and family you think my be interested. I always want my work to encourage, uplift, and to glorify Jesus!

(it also seems that the “link” option isn’t working correctly on my WordPress iPad app at the moment, so I’ll just paste the link for my Etsy Shop below here that you can copy and past into your browser.)


Thank you so much and have a great day!!!

Christy ❤

River Baptism Service and MINISTRY Thoughts


We had such a great time Friday night with our Home Church family for our river baptism service! We have been so blessed to witness some amazing miracles through serving together and simply letting the word of God guide our steps as we seek to “be” the church.

He gave these words to us ALL…

“GO therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, TEACHING them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

This is what we have been blessed to witness and take part in over the last 2 years, and it has changed my whole life and the way I understand what ministry really is, and what it is not.

Ministry is not JUST:
– Putting together a great service or program
– Having a great time of worship
– Going to a great camp or retreat
– Talking about missions
– Fellowship and fun
– Working and striving to make church a wonderful experience

…and many other things that roll through my head…

But one thing I DO know that ministry IS…
– GOING and making disciples (as He Himself said in His Word)
– Baptizing them…(as He Himself said in His Word)…but not only that part…
– TEACHING them…(as He Himself said in His Word)…helping them grow

And His Word is chocked FULL of what He considers to be ministry! And we sadly miss it completely if we think we can just do church the way our modern culture says to do it. If we follow that pattern, we will constantly be striving to be bigger and better, and continually have the pressure to meet up to others standards of worship and events and sermons and salvations…And we forget about just sitting down and teaching, discipling, and meeting the deep needs of those right next to us. If we don’t see the importance of making disciples, we might as well just stop right where we are…and then check ourselves deeply. Jesus said to “Go and make disciples”. Why? Because disciples make other disciples, who make other disciples, and on and on. THAT’S how the gospel multiplies and really grows. It takes getting dirty. It takes spending time with people, and being available when it may not be convenient for our schedules. But it’s worth it…it’s our calling…our commission!

THIS is ministry…
THIS is changing a heart…
THIS is changing the world…
THIS is revival…

So simple…

Yet we confuse it with so much extra and then we find ourselves fearful of the basic call…

I encourage you, fellow Christians, to simply spend time in His word so that it’s in you as you naturally do life with those around you. And not to shy away from conversations you may have thought were awkward before. You can rest assured that Jesus hasn’t called us to anything that is not worth it, not possible, and that He won’t equip us for. 🙂

I encourage you, Pastors, to breathe…look around you…see the flock. Love them. Don’t get too bogged down in having to come up with a new strategy for preaching, or keeping up with another pastor’s great series, or numbers, or methods. Yes, preaching is a huge responsibility, but I know if you take care of your heart, what comes out of your mouth with transform those around you. And look out, because you must be ready when it does:) You’re right, there may only be one of you in your particular church, but there are many others in your flock who with the right discipleship and heart will go and change the lives of many…but only if you set the example in how you love and serve the ones God has given you. Please, let your flock love and serve and disciple because their hearts are going to bust when they understand this call! Encourage…and love.

I’m done:)

Also here’s a link to some worship time on the bank of the river singing “Down in the River” by Alison Krauss (as sung in O Brother Where Art Thou 🙂 )
And also here’s a clip of Sam’s baptism. 🙂

I’m so in love with Jesus and thankful for His call…



Be blessed today!

Christy ❤

Do Not Lose Heart – Thoughts on Galations 6:9

This scripture has been on repeat in my heart and head for this past month. And I’m wondering as I sit here at my keypad how I’m going to get out what’s in my heart to this blog post! I will try my best. 🙂

We all go through seasons, they are unavoidable. Just as spring, summer, fall, and winter come and go, so do “seasons” and moments in our own lives. And it doesn’t matter if we are in what we would consider a good or bad season, they just happen. Sometimes it’s a season of crazy joy and happiness caused by certain experiences or situations that come. Other times it a season of pain, sorrow, or mourning. There are seasons of action, direction, and clarity about where we are headed…and then there are those wonderful seasons of waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and hoping, trying to be still, but anxious and tired.

We would be irrational to think that we won’t walk through any of these multiple times in our lifespan. So why do we get so down trodden and out of sorts when we face one of these seasons that is unexplained and uncomfortable for us? Hey, I’m no stranger to these feelings, as we are in an awkward season right now ourselves! And as easy as it is to feel down and out and full of wonder about what’s going on or what’s next, it’s just as easy for me to start to feel guilty about having these feelings. I’m learning that it’s totally normal to feel things, and to struggle with uncertainty, and direction, and timing. The key is that in the middle of these moments that we “don’t lose heart”.

Galations 6:9 “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap IF we do not lose heart.”

Our heart for God and the reason we even do good will persevere long after our bodies tire out or our minds try to come up with reasons why we should quit. Our hearts know that there’s nothing to go back to, for we were made a new creation in Christ, born for good works. Not that our good works save us, but they are a result of a heart that loves Jesus.

Now I could go on longer than you’d like to read about this, so I’m gonna break this down real quick into 2 points I feel are important:

1) If you back up to verse 7, it says “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” We can rest assured that if we are sowing things of the Spirit, that is what we will reap….but we will reap it “in due season”, and only “if we do not lose heart”. So we can’t expect to sow ungodliness, and reap a wonderful harvest of peace and satisfaction…that’s contrary to His Word altogether. But we can have hope if we are sowing to the Spirit! Then we can rest and trust in what is coming, whether it’s next week, next year, 10 years from now, or in our last days…it will be worth it, because all God’s promises are yes and amen! And not to rain on anyone’s parade here, but the scripture above doesn’t even promise it in this lifetime…it says that we will “reap eternal life”. We deserve nothing else in this life, but eternal life is the gift! And very much worth all the sowing I can muster up! That’s not to say God doesn’t bless us here, He most definitely does. But we often need to be reminded that we are owed nothing, and we need to let God weed out the entitlement that makes us demand comfort and happiness here on earth. The eternal life that God offers is what gives us genuine hope and joy that allows us to endure and remain faithful even in the toughest of life’s circumstances.

2) Don’t forget the key…“if we do not lose heart.” Now I don’t have some secret method to tell you of how to not lose heart. But I do know this, that we have a gift to be treasured in this Word of God, our Bibles, a hopeful place to run when we are feeling discouraged, or maybe feel that we may be losing heart a little bit. This blog would be a mile long if I listed all the scriptures in the bible that speak of trusting God, and having hope, and obtaining joy, and being thankful, and pressing onward…it’s chocked full of help for our weary souls. I will share this one:

Romans 15:13 “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Amen to that! Praise God!

I encourage you, not to just try to put on your daily “happy face”, but to find real joy and love and hope in serving such a great God! When you love and serve His people you will find no greater joy and peace. The “happy face” will come when joy is lasting in your heart through any circumstance you may and will face. Remember Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

I hope you have a great week!

Christy ❤

New Prints on Etsy Shop!


Just wanted to share with you real quick tonight the link to my Etsy Shop! I’ve been posting some of my graphic art prints today for sale and I’m quickly adding more! I’ll also be adding more acrylic paintings that I currently have in stock as well!

I’ll go into more detail in the next day or so about the direction I believe I’m headed in for my little art biz! It’s gonna take a little help from my great friends and family helping to spread the word, but I believe my goals are possible!

One of the main reasons I’m pushing a little harder in this season and in the seasons to come is for our missions and studio recording. Again, I’m gonna talk about this a little more in a few days, but I want my followers and buyers to know that every penny I make is going to fund our Guatemala mission trip and the needs down there, and any extra is going straight into our recording fund for the songs we are working on in the studio.

These are exciting, but trusting times. We are putting on faith, and trusting that God is in control!

Please check out my Etsy Shop and pass along on your Facebook pages, Pinterest, or whatever media avenue you enjoy! I so appreciate every one of you!

Be blessed!

Christy ❤